In the last 13 years, I’ve seen all sides of the health and fitness game. I was the newbie without a clue, following magazine workouts and buying hundreds of dollars of worthless supplements every month. I was the guy stuck in a rut, just going through the motions every week. Not getting any bigger, leaner, or stronger, […]
Does eating smaller meals boost your metabolic rate and help with weight loss? Or should you be eating more, larger meals every day? Learn the truth about meal frequency.
Female fertility is becoming a serious problem, and improving diet is one of the ways to fight it. Read this article to learn more about Harvard’s extensive research into fertility, and how the food you eat and harm or help it.
What does it really take to get rid of cellulite naturally? Creams? Massages? Medical procedures? Magic?
There are some exercises you should just never do. They don’t build muscle or strength effectively, and they can even increase your risk of injury.
First, I want to thank everyone that entered–over 200 in all. SO many good stories, SO hard to choose! I was into so many that I decided to DOUBLE the amount of people I’m going to work with. I’ve chosen 20 in all, 10 guys and 10 gals. It was just too hard to pick […]
Few people argue the many health benefits of regular exercise. We all know it wards of all kinds of disease, and scientists have shown it’s a great way to fight depression, improve intelligence, and protect against the cognitive decline associated with aging. Many people don’t realize that the benefits of exercise go far beyond physiological […]