Grit is perseverance and persistence. It’s an unwillingness to wilt, complain, or cry about one’s current state. It’s the ability to accept your reality and make the best of it, never wishing you were somewhere else, or in someone else’s shoes.
Chicken and vegetable dishes are a staple of the fitness world. They’re high-protein, low-fat, and if you use the right recipes, they can be really tasty.
This stir fry recipe is from my bestselling cooking The Shredded Chef, and it’s one of my go-to “quick & easy” meals. Hope you enjoy!
I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m kind of a sucker for cool stuff. I like nifty gadgets, quirky decoration pieces, nice clothes (and shoes!), good books, and fun games.
This week there’s the a dream Hublot watch, Sony’s stunning 4K camcorder, Polaroid’s reincarnation, the Samsung Smartwatch, and more…
Tea-Scented Mandarin Slices, Black Forest Banana Split, No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bites, and more… Healthy dessert recipes for treating yourself without ruining your diet!
If you’re struggling with weight loss (or would like to lose weight easier) and want to know how to speed up your metabolism, you want to read this article.
What is your most precious productivity resource? What, if left unmanaged, will kill your productivity more than anything else? Most people would answer time…and I would disagree.
