In this podcast I talk about rep ranges and how they correlate to muscle growth and strength, why testosterone levels aren’t as important as some point think and how to boost them naturally, lessons from success from the Kardashians (har har har), and more…
This stew recipe is one I come back to again and again. I love the the classic combination of beans, butternut squash, tomatoes, peppers, and garlic.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m kind of a sucker for cool stuff. I like nifty gadgets, quirky decoration pieces, nice clothes (and shoes!), good books, and fun games.
This week there’s the a gorgeous $250k muscle car, your own robotic mopper, one of the hottest young adult books, and more…
Can we learn important business and marketing lessons from the meteoric success of this “mommy porn”? I think so. And it doesn’t involve whips, chains, handcuffs, toys, or other implements that will go unnamed…
