Game of Thrones, ’80s style; console gaming on the iPad mini; the riveting story of one of Nazi Germany’s greatest tank commanders; and more… This week’s cool stuff!
These delicious barbecue recipes make for a killer cookout that doesn’t add a couple inches to your waistline.
In this podcast I interview Jordan from The Art of Charm and we talk about how to increase confidence in dealing with others without being a douche and how to build genuine relationships that will improve your work, social, and love life.
Whether you realize it or not, your goal setting is either helping or hindering your ability to make things happen. Here’s how to do it right.
Medium-chain triglycerides have been used medicinally for a couple decades now, but recently they’ve gained popularity as a weight loss aid. A review of scientific research reveals the obvious: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…
