"I have even more confidence in myself to keep training"
What has happened so far on the program?
I have reduced my body fat by nearly 10%, while maintaining a weight healthy for my body and increasing my lean body mass and muscle definition.
What do you like most about the program?
The program is very user friendly, and clearly laid out for anyone and everyone to follow. I never had to stop and ask, “Okay, what am I supposed to do next?” If I ever had questions, or something wasn’t working for me, Mike was always available (and still is) to help me figure out what would.
What are three other benefits of the program?
I really like the ability to switch the program up when/if I got bored, that I could modify the workouts to fit my location (say, if I couldn’t get to the gym), and that Mike laid out nutrition and supplementation for everyone.
Would you recommend this program? If so, why?
Absolutely, in fact, I already have. It (Thinner Leaner Stronger) works. No matter who you are or what your fitness level is.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I really appreciated that Mike was always available to offer advice and support. Because of him, I have even more confidence in myself to keep training and work towards competing in my first figure competition. I also recommend another of Mike’s books, “The Shredded Chef”. It has great recipes and Mike has a lot of variation to offer those of us who are used to eating chicken, broccoli, and brown rice all the time.