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I’m 30 years old and in 7 months I lost 13 kg of mostly fat, getting down to 7% body fat and gained quite a lot of muscle and strength.

Muscle for Life has allowed me to build an incredible body. Dieting and training are so easy that they don’t interfere with my daily social life.

I like the flexibility of being able to eat what I want and just controlling how much I eat. I was eating food I would never have and was still seeing results.

This program not only helps you lose weight but also accomplishes body recomp so you look great. I have not looked or felt this healthy in all my life.

The confidence boost I have received from improving my physique and health has been immense!

I am stronger than I ever thought I could be-I even have men approach me in the gym now to tell me how strong I am doing my 15 pull-ups and asking me advice on how to do certain exercises.

The changes I have made are phenomenal and what BLS gave me has spilled over into my life in bigger ways.

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