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Enjoy the process and watching your body change. It’s an amazing thing and very empowering.

What has happened so far on the program? I liked that I was able to finish working out in 45 minutes. Simple and easy, except the challenging heavy weight part…lol What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program? I was curious to see how heavy weight and low 4-6 […]

What has happened so far on the program? My journey began on March 1, 2014 at 169.4lbs and 18.8% body fat. My cutting phase ended on September 30th on which I weighed in at 142.6lbs and 11.1% body fat. I was targeting approximately 1lb of weight loss a week and ended up losing 27.4lbs over […]

Because of the success that I have achieved I feel so much more confident and satisfied!

I was extremely surprised how easy it was to follow, and how fast the results came.

I have definitely seen a productivity and motivation overhaul!

I now have more energy, feel lean and strong. I also carry myself much better!

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